
Monday, October 08, 2007

KerisCina VS Keris Hisapmuddin

The problem is, this keris-wielding malay boy is speculated to be the future m'sian prime minister. He should have pulled down his pants and flashed his prick,
UMNO is a racist party and has thrived on the racial fears of the uneducated masses.
I think you have brought disgrace to Malaysia by portraying yourself as warrior in the wrong way.In waving the keris, you portray yourself to be the biggest clown with a wide gaping mouth.
If you were to study your photo, you will find that you look like a chimpanzee waving a long bamboo shoot.Hishamuddin is the hero of the UMNO-Putra-Cronies. With the might of the power of the magic kris, we have this Ministry of Information, the mamak minister of info duly awarded 94.44% of his ministry's contracts to his UMNO-Putra-cronies.
Hishamuddin, the chinse are not afraid of the keris. We are just afraid of your keris waving actions. We are afraid that while you are waving the keris frantically, you might accidentally poke Khairy pondan face.If Hishamuddin is sincere in his apology for wielding the kris to MCA youth chief, he should perform the hara-kiri infront of Perhimpunan Beruk UMNO to proof his sincerity.